The Ultimate Guide to Emergency Kits for Camper Vans

The Ultimate Guide to Emergency Kits for Camper Vans

Having an emergency kit in your camper van is a must-have for any camper or recreational vehicle enthusiast. It’s a great way to stay prepared for anything you might come across on the road, from unexpected breakdowns to medical emergencies. Not only does it provide peace of mind, but having an emergency kit in your camper van can also save time and money if something should go wrong while you’re away from home. Keep reading to learn more about the advantages of adding an emergency kit to your van conversion.

Why you should have an emergency kit in your van

Having an emergency kit in your camper van can help you save time and money if something unexpected happens on the road. But even more important than that is having peace of mind knowing that you are prepared should anything go wrong while you’re away from home.

What are the most common emergencies in camper vans?

The most common camper van emergencies are breakdowns, accidents, and medical emergencies. Breakdowns could be caused by a flat tire, dead battery, engine issue, or problems caused by DIY or aftermarket modifications to your vehicle. Accidents could be anything from hitting something on the road to being involved in an accident with another vehicle. Medical emergencies can range from cuts and scrapes to more serious health issues such as heart attacks or strokes. And spending more time in nature means more opportunities for wildlife encounters, both between you and an animal and your vehicle and an animal, too.

What should I include in my camper van emergency kit?

When it comes to camper van emergency kits, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. In addition to the usual gadgets such as jumper cables, flashlights, and first aid kits, there are plenty of other essential items you should include in your camper van emergency kit.  Here are some items that you might want to consider including:

  1. Extra Blankets: For starters, make sure to pack extra blankets and sleeping bags so that you have somewhere warm to sleep if needed.
  2. Fire Extinguisher: Fire extinguishers are essential if you’re planning on doing any cooking in or near your camper van, or if you have a propane tank.
  3. Portable Battery Bank: Portable battery banks are great for jump-starting your camper van, and also provide power to other gadgets and accessories.
  4. Emergency Water: Having at least a couple of gallons of drinking water in your camper van can come in handy if you get stuck somewhere without access to clean water. You can also invest in a filtering water bottle for extra peace of mind.
  5. Shelf-Stable Food: No camper van emergency kit is complete without including some shelf-stable food items, such as energy bars and granola. If you live in an area with extreme temperatures, make sure your emergency food supplies can stand up to hot or cold conditions.
  6. Compass and Maps: Knowing where you're going is essential when it comes to camper vans, so having a compass and maps on hand just in case your GPS or cell-based navigation system fails can be a lifesaver (literally, in some cases. Please be careful!).
  7. Spare Parts: You should also consider including a few spare car parts, such as spark plugs and fuses, just in case your van breaks down while you're on the road.
  8. Basic Tools: It’s also essential to bring along some basic tools, such as a screwdriver or wrench. In addition to repairing factory parts of your van, basic tools can be helpful if your other modifications or aspects of your build need fixing on the road.

Where to buy emergency kits for RVs and campers

If you’re looking for an emergency kit to store in your camper van, there are plenty of options available online. You can typically find emergency preparedness kits at your local sporting goods store or automotive parts retailer, too. Before you make your purchase, be sure to read reviews and make sure that the items included are of good quality so that they will last through many adventures on the road. It's also a good idea to consider the physical dimensions of your emergency kit; when it comes to camper van conversions, every inch counts. Look for compact kits or sets that include multi-purpose tools.

Other supplies for your camper van

Outside of the typical emergency kit supplies, you can also invest in the right gear and equipment to make sure you have what you need to be self-sustaining on the road. Items like water filtration bottles, extra blankets, cooking grills, and solar-powered batteries or lights can all come in handy if you find yourself in an emergency or waiting for help. For more gear, gadgets, and accessories for your camper van build—plus downloadable PDF plans if you’re more DIY—shop 24/7 at


Having an emergency kit in your camper van is essential for any camper or recreational vehicle enthusiast. It’s important to make sure you have the right items included, such as jumper cables and flashlights, along with other necessary accessories. Investing in the right supplies can not only save you time and money but can also give you peace of mind knowing that you are prepared for anything that comes your way while on the road. With your camper van emergency kit packed and ready to go, all that’s left is hitting the open road!

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